Spiritual Growth

What is Salvation? 29 Scriptures About Salvation (& FREEBIES!)

Salvation, or getting saved, is a fundamental part of the Christian faith. Learn all about it as we look at its definition, its meaning, and what the Bible says about it.

What is Salvation?

When I consider these types of questions, you know, “What is…” types, I try to look at not only the definition but also what it really means to me as a woman, wife, mother, Christian, etc. We’ll start with the definition of salvation and go from there.

Salvation Definition

Oxford Languages defines salvation as “Preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss.” This definition is most apparent in the stories we hear about people rescuing others from catastrophes like floods, fires, or accidents.

Girl reading the "Compact Oxford English Dictionary."

But there is another definition. One that many would say is even more important. This definition of salvation goes something like this, “deliverance from the power and effects of sin” (Merriam-Webster). or “deliverance from sin and its consequences” (Oxford Languages).

So now you’re probably thinking, “Got the definition of salvation, but what does salvation mean?”

Since I don’t like to disappoint people, let’s talk about that next. 😉

Salvation Meaning

Why might this second definition be considered to be more important than the first?

Well, the first definition means that your life is saved in the literal sense. In other words, you get to go on living on the earth in your earthly body. Which is great! Most people don’t want to die; they have friends and family and unfinished business they don’t want to leave behind.

But the second definition means that because you have been delivered from the power and effects of sin, not only do you get to live a full life on the earth, you also get to live an eternal life with Jesus after your earthly body dies.

And that is not great, guys. It’s awesome! I mean, like, really awesome! No more pain or sorrow or anything bad. Just worshiping God and fellowshipping with Jesus and all our fellow Jesus followers that have gone on before us.

Fireman rescuing small boy from a smoky building. A demonstration of physical salvation.

In a very basic sense, spiritual salvation isn’t that much different than the stories we hear of earthly heroes saving people from roaring floodwaters or burning buildings. They are taken out of a situation that could lead to their death and given chance to go on living.

In the same way, Christian salvation means that our heavenly hero (Jesus) saves us from the consequences of sin (spiritual death) and gives us a chance to live forever in Heaven with Him (eternal life).

So that’s the basic idea of salvation. But to better understand the idea of salvation, let’s take a look at God’s salvation message.

Bible Verses About Salvation

So what does the Bible say about salvation? Here is a compilation of scriptures on salvation that will help us better grasp the definition of salvation in the Bible.

Hand drawing of a banner inscribed with the word "Salvation" wrapped around a Bible and a wooden cross.

Only the Lord can truly save us.

“Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other.” Isaiah 45:22

“There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

Salvation is a gift, and it’s FREE!

“God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” Ephesians 2:8

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

Pretty much the only thing you can get for free these days is saved by Jesus. Click To Tweet

Salvation comes by grace and forgiveness of our sins.

You will tell His people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins.” Luke 1:77

“For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people.” Titus 2:11

“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11

The Lord is salvation.

“The Lord is my light and salvation–so why should I be afraid?” Psalms 27:1a

“He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.” Psalms 62:2 and Psalms 62:6

Yes, twice. The exact same words. And Bible Study 101 taught me that when something is repeated, it’s something God really wants us to get.

Being saved is synonymous with joy.

Close-up of a happy woman lying down surrounded by tiny white flower. Salvation is joy!

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.” Psalm 51:12

“With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!” Isaiah 12:3

Joy is a choice. And we should choose joy because we are saved and grateful to be so.

Salvation is protection.

“In that day, everyone in the land of Judah will sing this song: Our city is strong! We are surrounded by the walls of God’s salvation.” Isaiah 26:1

Read more about the protection that comes from salvation in our post on the helmet of salvation.

Salvation is part of the foundation of our faith.

“In that day he will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your treasure.” Isaiah 33:6

Once we are saved, we are one-third of the way to a strong faith foundation! And lucky for us, God gives freely the gifts of wisdom and knowledge, too! We only have to ask! Bonus!

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

Once saved, always saved.

But the Lord will save the people of Israel with eternal salvation.” Isaiah 45:17a

“I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me.” John 10:28

Salvation can’t be lost or taken away. Once we are saved, we’re saved for good. Hallelujah and amen!

Salvation produces fruit, which brings glory to God.

“May you always be filled with the fruit of salvation–the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ–for this will bring much glory and praise to God.” Phil. 1:11

And isn’t that why we’re here? To bring glory and praise to God?

Verses About Salvation in Christ

“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9. Here is more information about the Romans Road to Salvation, a simple way to know how to explain salvation.

“‘For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.'” John 3:16

Billboard declaring, "Do you know Jesus? Come to Him and live. The Way. The Truth. The Life." This is the definition of salvation!

“And anyone who believes in God’s Son has eternal life.” John 3:36a

“They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.'” Acts 16:31

“And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” 1 John 5:11

“For it is my Father’s will that all who see His Son and believe in Him should have eternal life.” John 6:40

“Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.” John 11:26a

There are soooo many of this type of verse on salvation in the Bible! There are even more that aren’t as obviously “salvation” verses. But the point is always the same–Jesus is the only way to salvation, eternal life, and God.

This is because it was Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, when he was crucified, that clears the path between us and God. Because of His death and resurrection, we no longer have to earn the favor of God by following all the rules and offering sacrifices, as was required of believers in the Old Testament. He was the ultimate sacrifice.

Anyone and everyone can get saved.

“Jesus told her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.'” John 11:25

“[Jesus] gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone.” 1 Timothy 2:6a

“This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3

“For the grace of God is revealed, bring salvation to all people.” Titus 2:11

This image of a diverse group of people smiling reflects that anyone can accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

These salvation Bible verses make it clear that nobody is undeserving of this free gift. It is God’s desire that everyone receive it and live out its wonderful implications now and forever.

What Salvation is Not

To be clear, because some people will go down this road, salvation is not achieved by any of the following:

  • Being generous
  • Attending church regularly
  • Being baptized as a baby (or even being baptized period without accepting Jesus into your heart first)
  • Being a good person
  • Not having any addictions
  • A desire to go to Heaven instead of Hell
  • Volunteering in your community
  • Growing up going to church
  • Fighting or dying for your country
  • Believing Jesus existed or even believing God exists

Of course, these things are not bad things, but they don’t lead to salvation in and of themselves. According to scripture, Jesus saves. Only Jesus. Here‘s an amazing testimony written by a fellow blogger about this very thing. Seriously, guys, read it. SO good; it brought tears to my eyes!

“Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”

Ephesians 2:9
Philippians 1:11 printable bookmark and Philippians 1:11 phone wallpaper.
Grab your salvation bookmark today! Don’t forget the matching phone wallpaper!

Salvation According to the Bible

There you have it–a rundown of what salvation is (and isn’t) with scriptures to back it up.

So what’s the meaning of salvation in the Bible?

Salvation means that our heavenly hero (Jesus) saved us from the consequences of sin (spiritual death) and gives us a chance to live forever in Heaven with Him (eternal life). What’s more, we get to have joy and protection while on earth and glorify God with the fruit produced by our salvation!

It’s a free gift offered to everybody! Truly free! No payment is required; and no returns or takebacks are allowed!

If you are already saved and want to grow your faith and live an abundant life in obedience to God, here are some resources that might help you trust God, take courage, and fight for your faith!

If you’re not sure you have taken Jesus up on His offer of salvation but want to, head over to our “Get Saved” page to find out exactly how to accept this gift (spoiler, it’s simple). By doing so, you gain access to a joyful and fruitful life here on earth and an eternity in heaven with Jesus! And that is the best gift of all!

Catch ya’ later!

PS How has salvation changed your life? Comment below and share the benefits of salvation with the world!

PPS Check out our new FREEBIES page for more cool downloads!

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