How to Get Saved (Spoiler – It’s So Simple!)
Getting saved sounds mysterious, but it is actually quite simple! Keep reading to see just how simple it is!
Sin (aka The Reason We Need to Get Saved)
No post on getting saved would be complete without at least a brief discussion of sin.
The Bible makes it clear that sin equals death.
“…after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”
James 1:15
But What IS Sin?
Basically speaking, sin is going against something God has said.
There is general sin that is sin for everybody (like going against the 10 commandments), and there is sin that is more personal. Take this Bible verse about sin for instance:
“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.”
James 4:17
What this means is that if there is something specific that you should do that is good and has been expressed to you by God in some way, you need to do it or you are sinning. This is personal sin.
I once heard of a woman who was told to stop wearing earrings. And I, for example, have been told not to eat sugar (ouch!). Maybe it sounds silly, but in the case of the earrings, God knew that earrings were a source of pride for this person and that pride leads us into sinful behavior. In the case of my sugar habit, I asked God in frustration why I kept getting sick, and He told me to stop eating sugar.
If the earring woman were to wear her earrings after hearing directly from God that she shouldn’t, she’d be sinning.
If I go ahead and eat sugar anyway, despite having been told by God not to, I’m sinning.
Our Saving Grace
Luckily, though…LUCKILY, there is a way that we don’t have to remain slaves to sin. We can fight temptation and WIN! And when we lose the fight (which we all will from time to time), we can start over with a clean slate. Woo hoo!
Wondering how? Great! The answer is salvation, which is also known as “getting saved.”
What is Salvation?
Here‘s a post that goes into detail on the concept of salvation. But the gist of it is this:
- Salvation is “deliverance from the power and effects of sin (Merriam-Webster).”
- Salvation is a free gift given to anyone who wants it.
- You can’t do anything to earn it.
- Once you get saved, you are always saved.
- Salvation is only achieved through belief in Jesus Christ.
You will know you’ve been offered the opportunity to accept this gift if you have heard that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins (the Good News).
The Bible says, “He called you to salvation when we told you the Good News; now you can share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 2:14)” This means that when you heard about Jesus, God was officially inviting you into His family!
What Does it Mean to “Get Saved?”
“Getting saved” is just another way to say “accepting the gift of salvation.”
To get saved is to be rescued from spiritual death and be given eternal life by our heavenly Savior, Jesus.
We hear stories all the time of earthly heroes saving people from roaring floodwaters or burning buildings. They are taken out of a situation that could lead to their death and given the chance to go on living.
In much the same way, salvation from a spiritual perspective means that our heavenly hero (Jesus) saves us from the consequences of sin (death) and gives us a chance to live forever in Heaven with Him (eternal life).
It also means that our sins are forgiven and forgotten, and we are endowed with the power to resist sin and temptation while living this life on earth if we are willing to use it.
How to Get Saved (aka Accept the Gift of Salvation)
Remember how I said it was simple? Well, all you have to do is “declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9).”
That’s it! Really!
You don’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t matter what you’ve done. Nobody is too far gone for the grace of Jesus!
What is the Prayer to Get Saved?
Now that you know about sin, salvation, and how to get saved, it’s time to make an important decision.
Do you want to accept the free gift of salvation and be delivered from the power of sin (temptation) and the effects of sin (death)?
You do? AWESOME!
Then all you have to do, literally, ALL you have to do is pray this prayer. That’s it! It’s ok if you’ve never prayed before. God will hear you and all of Heaven will rejoice!
Ready? Ok, let’s do this!
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for calling me to be a part of your family by introducing me to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Jesus, I know now that you are Lord and that your father in Heaven raised you from the dead so that I might be free from the power and effects of sin.
Please forgive me for the sins I have already committed.
I accept you as Lord of my life and want to accept your gift of salvation today.
And that’s it! You’re saved! Congratulations! Now everyone in Heaven is celebrating because you (yes, you!) are now a part of the family!
You should celebrate on earth, too! If you know someone who’s been praying for your salvation, give them a call or shoot them a text so they can celebrate with you! Or you can head over to our Facebook group and tell us so we can celebrate with you!
Next Steps
Here are some resources that might help you get going in your new faith. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do!
- This is a great and very comprehensive resource for the new believer!
- This post, Christian Faith for Beginners, would be a really good read!
- Here‘s a post I wrote about trusting God more deeply.
- And this is a post I wrote about using your salvation to fight for your faith.
Congratulations, again! You just made the best decision of your life, and I’m so happy for you!
Catch ya’ later!