Fight for Your Faith,  Spiritual Growth

#Encouragement – 9 Stories of Courage in the Bible

by Chyna Coleman

Courageous? You? Yes!

Have you ever read the Bible and just thought to yourself, “How are these people so brave and able to do the unimaginable? Where does such courage and strength come from?”

I remember a time when I was so afraid to speak on stage. Yes, I was a part of the 75% of Americans afraid of speaking in public. Even the thought of speaking in front of people increased my breathing, heart rate, and anxiety, leaving me paralyzed by fear. 

I went through life believing that I had nothing to add to the world and that no one cared what I had to say. My confidence, purpose, identity, and courage were damaged by fear and worry wrapped up in lies.

{Related: Satan is a Liar – How to Defeat the Father of Lies}

It wasn’t until I surrounded myself with others, in the Bible and in the community, who spoke up, and from their stories, I too, began to have the courage to speak up. Through today’s post, I believe you, too, will grow in your boldness after reading the stories of courage in the Bible the way I did.

Encouraging Stories in the Bible 

One thing I adore about reading the Bible is the insight I receive from the unique stories of courageous women and bold men who walked with God. I learn from their challenges just as much as their victories.

Through their stories, God wants to encourage us to not be afraid–to rely on Him and trust Him as we step into new, uncharted territory. God knew that we would wrestle with fear and anxiety, but He also provides courage to help us make a difference in the world.

God said in this well-know scripture about courage: “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you (Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT).”

Deuteronomy 31:6 printable. "Be strong and courageous for the Lord your God will neither fail nor abandon you."

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He later repeated the same phrase over and over again to comfort and encourage us when He asks us to leave our comfort zones and follow Him. Through the stories of men and women shared below, you will gain courage and rest in the fact that God will be with you through it all (Isaiah 41:10 NLT).

{Related: 10 Bible Verses on Courage for Women by Chyna Coleman}

Courageous Women in the Bible 

The Bible is filled with courageous women who sought God, stepped out in faith, and made an impact. I am pretty sure there are a number of women we don’t read about that have done much more. Below I share with you a few of my favorite stories of courageous people in the Bible that I have learned from.

5 Daughters Of Zelophehad 

The story of the 5 daughters is a new story to me from the Old Testament. Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah were left without rights after their father passed away and had no sons to leave his legacy to. You can find their story in Numbers 27:1-11. 

The impactful part of this Bible story about courage was their request to Moses to go to God on their behalf regarding their father’s inheritance. You see, during that time, they weren’t allowed to inherit since they were women. Their determination, their courage, to come and request that he seek God on their behalf was the act that changed things forever.

Not only did God grant their desire to inherit their father’s land, God changed their laws and allowed women to be able to inherit the land of their fathers, husbands, and beyond in the future. Their courage changed the opportunities of women for generations to come. Such a powerful story of brave women in the Bible!

Woman standing with arms raised as if to show her strength.


In our day and age, Deborah would be considered a boss babe. She was a woman of the Old Testament, serving in a high position as a judge and prophetess. Deborah was also a woman in a predominantly male profession, making waves and winning battles under the direction of God. 

You can find the story of Deborah in Judges 4-5. Even though we don’t know everything about her life, we do know that God was working in her life and giving her the courage to take on a position that was usually reserved for men and those older in age.

In her story, we are reminded that we can do anything with God. Like Paul said in 1 Timothy, we should not let others despise us because of our youth; we should be an example that even young people can be wise and useful to God. 

In Deborah’s example of courage in the Bible, we are reminded that God will continue to put us in places that do not make sense to the customs of this world and will shine His light through us to make a greater impact. In her case, the impact was saving her people from an enemy in battle.


Many of you may know the story of Esther, but if you don’t, I would encourage you to read it in the book of Esther. She is an amazing example of what courage looks like because she did not get to her position on her own.

In her story, going from a Jewish orphan to a queen that saved her people from genocide, she put herself in what was considered a life or death situation. Sometimes we downplay the level of courage it took for Esther to approach the king out of order to speak up and use her position to save her people. 

She had an amazing team of people by her side through the journey leading up to this courageous moment. Most importantly, she had God with her and encouraging her. This biblical story of a courageous person is a great reminder that courage is often not achieved alone but with others by our side.

Courageous Men in the Bible 

God used a great number of men to show us the courage that comes with following Him. There are a few that we hear about more often than others, but here I will share the stories of courageous men that don’t often get the acknowledgment others do.


When I think of courage, I automatically get an image of a lion. The lion is a symbol of boldness, resilience, confidence, and authority. Daniel was that for us in the Bible. You can find his story in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament.

Daniel’s courage started with sharing with the kings the accurate interpretation and truth regarding their dreams and visions. He was honest even if the message was scary to say to a king. Later, he was placed in higher positions in the kingdom, even preparing to be placed as ruler.

However, that elevation also came with many valleys. During his life, there was a period when he was forgotten about until he was needed for another interpretation. But he had the courage to trust in God and make His relationship with God a priority.

He was also disciplined enough to maintain the diet and customs of His people despite being used by the leaders of a rebellious nation during his lifetime.

Silhouette of a man standing with arms in strong man pose in front of a sunset.


When you think about Joshua, you can’t help but think of Moses. Moses was a monumental part of leading the Israelites out of Egypt. However, it wasn’t Moses who led God’s people to settle in the Promised Land, it was Joshua. You can find his story in the book of Joshua.

Joshua was not only the mouthpiece used for Moses by God, but He stepped into the leadership position when Moses couldn’t anymore. It’s one thing to be promoted by stepping into the shoes of a person who was in close fellowship with God, but finishing a mission that someone else started requires much courage.

Maybe your courageous moment won’t be stepping into anything new. God may be preparing you and helping you to serve under the person whose position you may one day fill. Stepping into something already established takes more strength, more humility, and at times more bravery than stepping into new territory. He saw the challenges Moses faced with the Israelites and he said yes anyway, reminding them to keep their faith in God as he did.


Peter, also known as Simon, was a vital part of the early church as a disciple of Jesus. You’ve heard the amazingly bold things he did, such as walk out on the water to Jesus and how he saved thousands with one message. I have always admired his great loyalty and devotion to Jesus. You can find Peter’s story from Matthew to John, see him in action in Acts 1-12, and read teachings from him in 1 and 2 Peter.

Peter’s courage was viewed from a different perspective. I believe Jesus used Him because he was at times too courageous, overly bold. There was many times that Jesus had to humble Peter, including the time when Jesus told him that he will deny Him three times.

Through Peter’s story, we are reminded that there is courage from God and there is also courage that comes from our sinful nature. We have to discern and ask God to help us to decipher between His courage and our pride or impulsivity. We must make sure our boldness is rooted in the right things; our courage is to be sourced from God, not our own understanding. 

Have the courage to either step up or humble yourself when you know you have wandered outside of His will for your life. Despite his missteps, Peter went on to preach the Great News and thousands were saved.

What Can We Learn From These Stories of Courage in the Bible?

Courage is not without fear.

David, described as “the man after God’s own heart” was fearful. He was weighed down by anxiety and frustration with the unknown. However, he was also brave enough to go with boldness to defeat Goliath and praise God.

Fear may be present, but it does not have authority over us or God’s will.

The Psalms are full of many of David’s writings that show that he had both fear and courage, as he trusted in God to protect and rescue him.

Photo from above of a line on the pavement with an arrow and the word "fear" pointing to the right and an arrow with the word "courage" pointing to the left.

The greater the calling, the greater the need for courage.

Moses was a prime example of this revelation. He was chosen to lead the second biggest move of God in the Bible. He was still limited by his fear, lack of courage, anger, and doubt, but he found the courage to do what God called him to do anyway.

{Related: “Finding Your Purpose in God” by Coren Millikan}

There’s a process that leads to courageous moments. 

Courage comes with a process. You just don’t get it because you ask for it. You have to overcome obstacles and be shaped and pruned. You must be obedient in small private victories before public victories are achieved.

Elijah is a great example of this. He didn’t just call down fire from Heaven immediately after God called him to serve Him. No! Instead it took many small private victories to build his faith before he was ready to tackle the very public victory of calling down God’s fire to prove His sovereignty. Read Elijah’s story of victory in the Bible starting in 1 Kings 17.

Courage has no gender. 

Society would like to make us think that only men are brave, bold, and courageous. But what God is saying is that He is with His daughters just as much as He is with His sons. We are all called to be courageous, in the Bible and today.

Our courage comes from God. 

We can prepare and train all we want on our own, but it is God that gives us strength. He also uses others to help or influence our courage, like in Esther’s story and even in Moses’. This is why connection with other Christians and mentorship from courageous people you admire is critical to your success in your courage with God. 

Yes, You Have Courage! Rediscover it Here with 8 stories of courage from the Bible ! Pinterest Pin

Reflections on Courage

The Bible provides us with great reference points and examples of courage. Just as Daniel, Deborah, Peter, and Esther did, we can seek His will and live life with courage. 

The key stories mentioned above were about ordinary people, just like you and me, ready and willing to be obedient to the Lord’s instructions.

Even though we have the courageous men and women of the Bible, we also have individuals around us, hidden in plain sight, that we can be inspired by as well. Ask yourself:

Who do I know that has been an example of courage in my life?

What is it about them, their story, that exemplifies courage? 

If you had an hour to ask them anything, what would you ask them?

I know these questions are reflective. However, I challenge you to choose one person that you’ve identified in your life and ask them about their journey and walk with God. Conversation and building relationships are great ways to defeat the lies of the enemy that you aren’t courageous and will never make an impact.

"Courage (noun) - The ability to do something that frightens one." typed out on a typewriter.

Honestly, without the stories of courageous people in the Bible and in my life today, I don’t think I would be here writing this post. 

Taking up your cross and spreading the Good News takes courage.

Public speaking takes courage. My courage to speak in public did not happen overnight. It took intention toward knowing my identity in Christ, understanding my purpose/gifts, and showing up authentically in private moments that gave me the courage to speak publicly. It is still a journey, but when I began to do the opposite of the lies that replayed in my head, and became more vulnerable and honest with God, myself, and others, I uncovered the confidence and courage that He provides when we walk with Him faithfully.

The strength of God and mentorship from other courageous Christians can help you see and live out victory with Christ. 

Will you have the courage to stand out and be a difference-maker? Comment below and let us know!

Chyna is a blogger and speaker whose passion is to help women, specifically single moms, be their authentic selves in relationships and finally meet the woman God created them to be. You can find her at Made New Mama.

Need more courage? Check out our series on putting on the armor of God. And if you’re tired of struggling with fear, check out “Shut Fear Down for Good with 21 Bible Verses About Fear.”

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