How to Walk in Obedience to God
Walking in obedience to God can seem like a tall order! But it is actually quite simple. Let’s dive into God’s word to get a better understanding of how to walk in obedience to Him.
What Is Obedience Exactly?
In order to walk in obedience to God, we must first understand what obedience is.
The word “obedience” is defined as “compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority (Oxford Languages).”
What is Obedience to God?
For Christians, this definition becomes, “compliance with God’s orders, requests, or laws or submission to God’s authority.” And obedience to God has two parts. One, we are to obey His general commands to all mankind–things like the ten commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) and love God, love people (Matthew 22:37-39). And, two, we are to obey commands He gives to us as individuals – like start a faith blog or adopt this child (a couple examples from my own life).
God doesn’t demand our obedience (He did give us free will, after all), but He does show us how we can walk in obedience to Him if we so choose. Throughout His word, we can find tidbits of wisdom that help us learn exactly what we can do to be sure we are obeying Him in all we do. Let’s take a look!
7 Ways Everyone Can Walk in Obedience to God
Sometimes we get caught up in trying to figure out the specific ways God wants us to live out His will in our lives and forget that there are general things we all can do to walk in obedience to Him. Being intentional about obeying in these general areas brings us into a deeper relationship with God, which will lead to hearing His voice more clearly about other things He wants each of us specifically to do.
Develop a Desire to Do What Pleases God
To get started obeying God, it is important to make sure we have the correct heart posture. God doesn’t want us to obey out of obligation or with a bad attitude, so let’s see how we can develop a willing spirit.
Reflect on Who God Is and What He’s Done for You
“I reflect at night on who you are, O Lord; therefore, I obey your instructions.” Psalms 119:55
“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.” Psalms 51:12
I especially like Psalms 51:12. When I consider the pure joy that comes from knowing that nothing we experience here on earth matters in light of eternity, I am much more likely to happily do what God wants me to do, even if it makes me uncomfortable for a little while.
Psalms 105 demonstrates this concept perfectly. It starts with a summary of all the things God had done for His people, the Israelites. Then it tells us that all of this happened so that they would want to be obedient.
Understand God’s Love for You
Having a desire to obey God begins with understanding that He loves us deeply–way more deeply than we can ever comprehend. Everything He says, whether in His word or in our hearts, relates to this truth in one way or another. This includes all of the times He tells us what He wants us to do.
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Know That God Wants What’s Best for You
Loving parents know that if their kids make the right choices, they will have better lives. Therefore, parents train their kids by helping them see how their choices affect their lives. Likewise, God gave us all of His wisdom, some in the form of commands and decrees and laws, to help us make good choices, and, therefore, have a better life.
“And you must always obey the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.” Deuteronomy 10:13
“For if we obey Him, everything will turn out well for us.” Jeremiah 42:6b
“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” Joshua 1:8
{Related: Learn what it means to meditate on God’s word in “Taking up the Sword of the Spirit.”}
When we really take to heart these three things, it leads to a deep trust in Him. And when we really and truly trust Him, we have no reason to not do what He says to do. We want to seek His will and live it out so that His perfect will is done.
Love God, Love Others
This one pretty much covers all of the other commandments in the whole Bible; therefore, walking in obedience to God can pretty much be achieved just by focusing on these two commandments.
“Jesus replied, ‘”You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”‘” Matthew 22:37-39
“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
Walk the Walk, Don’t Just Talk the Talk
Revelation 3:16 tells us that God doesn’t tolerate lukewarm believers. Lukewarm believers are those who are indifferent, not caring about God and His ways one way or another. They might go through the motions; they might talk the talk, but they don’t walk the true walk of faith. They don’t put their trust in Jesus or let Him operate in and through them.
What’s more, they don’t try to avoid walking in the ways of the world.
“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves…Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means…refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:22 and 27
“I have refused to walk on any evil path, so that I may remain obedient to your word.” Psalms 119:101
Obey God in the Right Way
According to the following scriptures, the right way to obey God is wholeheartedly, faithfully, and with integrity.
This means seeking His will constantly and living life according to it. People walking in obedience to God do so with all of their hearts, minds, and spirits, and they do it without wavering. They live lives marked by honesty, character, love, and faith.
“‘Today the Lord your God has commanded you to obey all these decrees and regulations. So be careful to obey them wholeheartedly.'” Deuteronomy 26:16
“All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy. They are forever true, to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity.” Psalms 111:7-8
Teach Others About God
If we truly love others, we should have a desire to teach them about God. The disciples were so good at this (maybe because they learned from the Master)! Even though it can be hard to talk about God, we can walk in obedience to God by following their example with both non-believers and believers. Jesus knew it would be hard; that’s why He reminds us that He will be will us the whole time. <3 <3 <3
“We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
“‘Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'” Matthew 28:20
The Great Commission fits into this category, too. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells his followers (that’s us!) to go and make disciples. We do this by showing people and teaching people about the love of Jesus.
Fellowship With the Right People
When we want to walk in obedience to God, we must accept that evil people in our lives will be a stumbling block. Like the psalmist who wrote Psalms 119:115, we should avoid spending too much time with people who do not have a desire to obey God, and we should avoid altogether those who are flat-out evil.
“Get out of my life, you evil-minded people, for I intend to obey the commands of my God.” Psalms 119:115
“I have followed your commands, which keep me from following cruel and evil people.” Psalms 17:4
When we focus on doing what God wants us to do, a natural outcome is not being drawn away from Him by these people. It’s a cycle. Obey God, have Godly friends. Have Godly friends, and you’re more likely to obey God.
Obey God No Matter What
When it comes to walking in obedience to God, we can sometimes act like toddlers being told they can’t have the candy or the toy they really want. I know I have pouted and sulked over the “unfairness” of having to do something hard that I knew God wanted me to do (it may have even been as recently as this morning *grimace*). But, as we can see in the below scriptures, His commands are above those of humans. And we must obey them even if we don’t want to or like it.
“But Peter and the apostles replied, ‘We must obey God rather than any human authority.'” Acts 5:29
“Whether we like it or not, we will obey the Lord our God to whom we are sending you with our plea.” Jeremiah 42:6a
“I am shriveled like a wineskin in the smoke, but I have not forgotten to obey your decrees.” Psalms 119:83
In ancient times, wineskins were hung to dry near a fire. The smoke would permeate the leather, making it stiffer and easier to drink from. However, if a wineskin hung in the smoke for too long, it would dry out too much, becoming cracked and useless. This psalmist was obviously not in good shape, yet he was still committed to walking in obedience to God.
Well, there you have it – 7 Ways to Walk in Obedience to God. To sum up…
- Develop a desire to do what pleases God
- Love God, and love others
- Teach others about God
- Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk
- Obey God in the right way
- Have the right relationships
- Obey God no matter what
If you have a desire to walk in obedience to God, but you’re not sure where to start, start with these things! By living a life of obedience, you are drawing closer to God through the process of sanctification (becoming more like Jesus), and letting Him see that you are a willing servant!
By posturing yourself as a willing servant, you are opening up a line of communication through which He can reveal other ways that you, specifically, can help further His kingdom. And that, my friend, is what we’re all about here at Catching Courage!
How will you choose to walk in obedience to God today? Comment below and let us know!
Catch ‘ya later,
{Related: This post is a spin-off from the post “35 Bible Verses About Obeying God.”}
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I wish that l had your attitude of obedience to the Lord. I accepted Jesus as my Saviour 44 years ago, but in struggling with my issues with mental health, realise that as a professing Christian, l have not walked the talk. I am not accepting friendships with other Christians as l have always struggled in this area, preferring to do life alone. And now l am separated from my husband, this time for four years, as l have separated from him four times over the last 14 years. He is a very good man and a very faithful Christian who has freed himself from our codependent relationship. He has hoped, just as l have for reconciliation, but requires some changes in my ways. I don’t know that we will unite again in a marriage relationship, because l have not changed.
I have not desired a relationship with God, making Him my Lord, where l walk in obedience to Him. I try to spend time with Him but my besetting sins of laziness/idleness and lust for food seem to cut me off from Him. I feel l need to establish a habit of fasting regularly, to seek Him, but do not seem to be able to do this because of my lack of self control.
Through my choices, my life is very sad as l have six adult children with my husband and 13 grand children and am pushing away not only them but people who try to have a friendship with me and try to encourage me in my faith.
Thank you for your prayers.
I will most certainly be praying! You are not alone; following the Lord is not an easy task and requires daily, if not momentarily, surrenduring our own desires to Him, whether it be for food, sexual gratification, money, success, or any other desire of the flesh. Keep seeking God and He will draw near to you; He is there even when Satan uses shame to make you feel like He’s not. The Holy Spirit is also there to help you if you will let Him. I like to remember 1 Corinthians 10:13, which says, “No temptation has overtaken you what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” The trick is remembering to look for the exit and then allowing the Holy Spirit to empower you to take it and make the choices that honor God. Let me know if you need to talk more! You can email me at [email protected] if you want to. Blessings, and thank you for reading!
Nigel Chetty
This was very powerfull. I have been a christian for as long as i can remember . i grew up in a christian family, i have always known the power of God. i have seen what God has done in my life, i have strayed away from him after God has blessed me, i am now at a pooint in my life where i feel i have no purpose. i am struggling with grief, i have recently lost my father .
reading this has brought to my attention that i need to be obidient to God
thank you for this
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Praying God’s comfort for you and your family. I’m glad our post encouraged you to be obedient to God! Being obedient will help you find your purpose! It blesses me to hear that what we’re doing at Catching Courage is helping people! Praise God! Many blessings to you!
olayinka james
thank you very much, this really help me and make me to know God better than before
I’m so happy to hear that our post helped you know God better! That’s one of our goals here at Catching Courage, so praise the Lord! Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas!
Olga Oaks
I am just starting to understand the Bible a little bit, I’m so excited how much God love me and I want to know him even more, I love the lord he’s my everything it’s just sometimes we last a ways but I really wanted to grow in Obedience with Jesus christ the lord. Thank you , This was much appreciated and helpful to me 🙏 God bless 🙌
Coren Millikan
Hi, Olga! I’m so happy to hear that my post was helpful to you! I’m proud of you for seeking Him and working on growing in relationship and obedience to Him! You are an inspiration! Thank you for reading!
Thank you for making me understand better the importance of being Obedient to God. I not only want that relationship with him l, I demand to become closer with him and walk that walk with him, and stop just talking. I have a better understanding of how to become more obedient to God. Thanks again, in the mighty name of Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
It makes me so happy to hear that our post made a difference in your walk with the Lord! Praying that you’ll be blessed and strengthened as you continue to seek Him and obey Him. Thanks for reading!