Spiritual Growth,  Fight for Your Faith

God’s Timing is the Best Timing

by Alejandra Tash

Are you waiting on a promise from God? Are you having a hard time trusting God’s timing? If
so—you aren’t alone. Unfortunately, most of us struggle with this—God is never early, but God’s
timing is perfect. Waiting on God can be difficult but not impossible—in fact, scripture promises
us that “they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength.”

In this post, we will be reminded of the importance of trusting the timing of God, look at some practical
tools to help us wait on Him, and consider the consequences of getting ahead of Him.

So whether you are growing weary and impatient of his timing or just needing reinforcements to
help you endure, this post is for you.

Trusting God’s Timing

My husband and I have endured infertility for more than 10 years. And if I am honest, too many times I
thought to myself, “What is God thinking?” I would compare others’ journeys to mine and often
covet what, at least in my mind, should be mine and not theirs.

I repent of this.

The waiting searches our hearts, and in this process, it reveals the contents of our hearts. It also prepares us for the promises God has for us. Am I the only one who struggles with continuing to have faith in what
He has promised? I don’t think I am.

My friend let me encourage you.

Hebrews 10:35 (CSB) says, “So don’t throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you need endurance, so that after you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised.” Your confidence lies in trusting God’s… Share on X

I thought my journey to becoming a mother would look different. Never in a million years did I imagine waiting this long or having to accept that maybe motherhood would not come in a traditional way. Nevertheless, I have decided to trust in the God of the universe and trust His timing and not my own.

What Does the Bible Say About Trusting God’s Timing?

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "For everything there is a season; a time for every matter under heaven." You can trust God's timing.

Time after time I have experienced the above verse to be true. Every single thing in our lives has
an appointed time. Scripture also tells us to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not
lean on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5a ESV).” As Christians, the word of God is our
guide, and if this is true, then it is also true that we must learn to lean not on our emotions
concerning His timing. We must trust that everything in our lives has an appointed time.

Waiting for God’s timing brings all things together for our good; the delays, hills, and valleys are all part of God’s master plan in making this all work for our good (Romans 8:28).

{Related – “7 Powerful Ways to Make Waiting on God Easier“}

What Are Some Bible Verses About Waiting for the Right Time?

Scripture is filled with tons of promises about God’s timing, here are some of my favorites.

  1. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” – Psalm
    27:14 (ESV)
  2. The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.” – Lamentations
    3:25 (ESV)
  3. “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word, I hope; my soul waits for the Lord
    more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.” – Psalm
    130:5-6 (ESV)
  4. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 (NIV)

Bible Stories About God’s Timing

Abraham in the Bible is often referenced as the Father of our faith. This story of Abraham is
found in Genesis chapters 16-19. Abraham and his wife Sarah waited years for the promise of
God that they would have a child to come to pass. Their hearts eventually grew weary of waiting, and they took matters into their own hands. Sarah gave her servant Hagar to her husband so they could conceive, and they did! They named their son Ishmael.

You see, God had promised Abraham a very special child, one who would eventually become a nation. But this child would come from Abraham and Sarah, not Abraham and Hagar. The decision to rely on their own understanding and timing brought all parties involved heartache and stress. This decision continues to haunt the nation of Israel, as Ishmael’s descendants founded the Muslim religion and are persecuting Christians to this day.

Many times, we choose to operate in our flesh. When we don’t see something come to pass the
way we think it’s supposed to, we take matters into our own hands, and the results can be disastrous.
Like Sarah, we grow weary and desperate. The thing is, most of us do not make great decisions
when we are weary and desperate. This is why trusting in God’s timing is imperative. He does not get weary or desperate and can see everything that has ever happened and will ever happen.

{Related – “5 Ways to Trust God w/ All Your Heart“}

A great scripture that always encourages me during this wait is found in Habakkuk 2:3 (CSB), which says,

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
it testifies about the end and will not lie.
Though it delays, wait for it,
since it will certainly come and not be late.”

It may seem like God is delaying, but so many things need to come into alignment before His
promises come to pass. Lessons you need to learn, wisdom you must attain, provision that is still
to come.

The time between the promise and the fulfillment is the time God has allotted to create
a special provision for this thing that we are waiting for with so much anticipation.

Alejandra Tash

God’s Time is Perfect

When I look back at all the times I have had to wait, I can see that God’s timing is always
perfect. From waiting to marry my husband, to when God fulfilled the promise that we would be
homeowners. God has perfect timing; I have seen the hand of God provide the way in the
middle of what often looked like a red sea, impossible to part.

Trust the perfect time, God’s perfect timing! If you need encouragement in this area, it is so important that you encourage yourself often with Bible verses about the time of God.

Waiting on God’s Timing

Wait. Waiting on God’s timing and not our own is so imperative. In His time we experience not
only the joy of the fulfillment of the promise but also the peace that comes with knowing our
futures aren’t in our hands but in God’s, and God’s timing is always right.

The outcomes of problems or tribulations aren't up to us, but up to God! And to that I say, "Hallelujah!" – Alejandra Tash Share on X

He sees the whole scope of things, His perspective is so much better than ours because He sees things with a much broader lens than we do!

I hope this encourages you today to wait on God’s timing. God’s time is perfect! How are you
encouraged by this today? Leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you.

Perfect Timing - Why Waiting on God is Worth the Wait Pinterest Pin

Alejandra Tash has been a believer since 2008 and is married to her best friend and life companion David Tash. Alejandra is the author of Abide—A 21-Day Devotional, which you can find on Amazon.com; a blogger at alejandratash.com; a YouTuber; and a creative. Alejandra has dedicated her life to her mission of making disciples to make heaven bigger. Her passions are writing and loving her husband and family/pups well. Alejandra also enjoys creating guided journals to help you during your Bible study, and she serves as creative pastor at Trinity Lighthouse Church in Denison, Texas. Ever since the passing of her beloved mother in September of 2022, she has been inspired to live and love like Jacqueline Cabrera—she strives to die empty and leave it all on this table called life.

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  • Charlean Harriage

    I came upon your post as I search for scriptures about “Gods timing is perfect”. I’m happy I stop to read your post.
    Thanks for sharing your story, it’s helped me and I will take note of these scriptures. Great encouragement.
    My husband and I have been struggling in our waiting and like Sarah & Abraham I think we have tried to “help God out” a few times but I’m thankful that His mercies are everlasting and He is faithful .
    Continue to do what He has inspired you to do.

  • Mike

    Thank you so much for this post. I’m currently going through a breakup with someone I really care about and would like to be with in the future but have been struggling with being patient and waiting on God to show me the right appointed time of when that will happen and what will be revealed. I believe He’s using this time to show things to me that will make me an even stronger person than I was before and for that I’m truly grateful.

  • Shazzy

    I thank you for thus very beautiful and valuable post on trusting God’s timimg in our lives. I’ve been feeling weary a few days since concerning myslf with God’s timing wgen for a fact he has always come through on time right before my eyes. The wvil one knows that and that we trust in our Lord so he continues to being these doubts around us almost daily. I was feeling so off looking for hipe to revew my weary mind. I kept saying Oh hard you make me have it my God but in the depths of my heart I long only for you and trust no one over you. You alone are the head of my home family and the author and finisher of my faith.

    You article came through on time for me. The silence I seek is God’s whisper with peace joy and a continual lamp burning in my heart All day and night thru.

    Thank you Jesus. You’ve come through once again for me. Amen. Hallelujah 🙏🏻

  • Beno van Graan

    Thanks so much for sharing your insight. I also think I tend to wait for God’s timing for a lot of material stuff.

    I feel all the example Bible texts referring to waiting for God, actually refer to God’s spiritual plan for me. The outcome of waiting for God’s guidance will result in form of a spiritual reward. Off course we pray for our material needs and “nice to have’s”, but the essence of our beings, our purpose for existence is complete submission to God’s spiritual purpose for us.

    Am I on the right track?

    • Coren

      Yes, definitely! The goal is to always be in line with God’s will for us! It’s the only way He can use us to the fullest extent to bring about His perfect will in our lives and the lives of those around us. And the outcome of waiting for God’s guidance will be rewards in every aspect of life, not to mention more peace. I always feel more joy and peace when I know I’m seeking God’s will and doing everything I can to be going along with it. Thanks so much for reading!

  • Sandra

    Love this. My confidence is trusting in God. I feel so encouraged to wait on the Lord, his timing is PERFECT.

    Thank you.

    • Coren

      I’m so glad our post encouraged you to wait on God’s timing! It truly is the best, even when we don’t understand! Thanks for reading!

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